May, 2024


2h 25m

I'm glad to see more attention being given to the ol' Avalanche gang. Now there's a plausible explanation for why Wedge just happened to be at the Shinra HQ building at the end of Remake (It was really just to kill him). Shame I had to begrudgingly pull myself through yet another mini-game. I manually customised my robots for the 1st and 2nd rounds, but resorted to automated setups for the latter two. Not nearly invested enough to dedicate the time to optimising strategy, and I seem to get by just fine spamming the cheapest units and overwhelming them with sheer numbers anyhow.

Felled Bahamut without much thought to strategy either, just kept whacking him til they died. Every now and then I find myself avoiding doing any combat simulations due to fatigue from the overabundance of enemy encounters and bosses, but then whenever I do get a diversion (i.e 'Gears & Gambits) I suddenly want to go back to fighting enemies. Is this a mark of a poorly designed game? I'll come to decide by the end.

Time to move on the Nibelheim.